This month, professionals from their fields answered your burning questions
We tried a new online format. We had 4 breakout rooms, with two experienced people in each, answering your questions about their field of work. You could choose which room you wanted to go to for each of two 30min sessions.
- Content Design: Lizzie Cass-Maran and Lauren Tormey
- User Research: Hilary Brownlie and Kat Husbands
- Service design: Stéphanie Krus and Lorri Smyth
- UX/Interaction design: Duncan Stephen and Jen Thomson
Links from the rooms
Content Design
Inclusive language resources
- Gender inclusivity webinar
- How to make content gender inclusive – Content Design blog post
- Adobe inclusive language guide
- Spectrum’s Guide to Inclusive UX Writing
- Polypane content checking app
User Research
Resources from Nielsen Norman Group
- Open ended questions
- UX research cheat sheet – different methods for different design stages
- Interviewing for research by Andrew Travers – FREE!
- Interviewing Users: How to Uncover Compelling Insights by Steve Portigal
- Doorbells, Danger, and Dead Batteries: User Research War Stories by Steve Portigal
- Just Enough Research by Erika Hall
- Think Like a User Researcher by David Travis and Philip Hodgson
- Quantifying the User Experience: Practical Statistics for User Research – good book on Quant research (not cheap, get your boss to pay)
- Rocket Surgery Made Easy: The Do-It-Yourself Guide to Finding and Fixing Usability Problems by Steve Krug
- Service Design Doing – FREE CHAPTERS!
A UR success story
- Redesign 1 webpage, save £54,000 – blog post by Kat
- Mixed Methods with Aryel Cianflone
- Dollars to Donuts with Steve Portigal
Service design
The Scottish Approach to Service Design (SAtSD)
What is the framework for innovation? Design Council’s evolved Double Diamond
Design Council Beyond Net Zero – A systematic design approach (big PDF)
Video by Joseph Emmi – Hug your stakeholders, do more for the users
UX Glasgow Service Design Special, March 2021
UX/Interaction design
Design courses
Public speaking
Visual design
Stakeholder management
- Hug your stakeholders, do more for the users – talk by Joseph Emmi
Working with BAs
- How can User Experience and Business Analysis work well together? – breakfast briefing by User Vision
UX Glasgow event
(Image: Question vector created by pikisuperstar –