It’s a UX Glasgow side-project special.
UX Glasgow at The Space is an evening of talks for anyone working in the field of User Experience or interested in building great websites and services. Listen to practitioners discuss their work and share ideas.
Our speakers are Neil Scott, Sue Smith and Neil McKillop.
About the talks and speakers
Neil Scott – Introduction: The Side Project is Dead, Long Live The Side Project
15 years ago, the web was full of people putting together fun little side projects to solve problems. Nowadays, not so much. The side project, it seems, is dead and Neil is curious to know what killed it.
Sue Smith – Zero to side project in one click with Glitch
Glitch lets you create a hosted, fully editable web application just by hitting the remix button on a starter project – you don’t even need to sign up to get started. Choose from a static, generated static, or full stack site – it’s so convenient it’s the platform of choice for many sh*tposting apps you’ve likely seen going viral lol.
Sue Smith works on Developer Experience at Glitch / Fastly, specialising in developer learning. Previous employers include Postman, Mozilla, and various early stage startups. Before tech Sue worked in public sector arts venue management and had many dead end jobs in different industries!
Neil McKillop – Hosting Open Source Communities in Glasgow
Neil is going to talk about running an open source community in Glasgow – from the regular tutorial nights (command line, running a web server from scratch) to the Mastodon server on
Neil McKillop runs Open Source Glasgow – a group dedicated to encouraging the use of open source software and technology in Glasgow. He holds regular informal classes teaching how to set up a simple web server from scratch and other events that cover linux command line use and web development fundamentals. He is the admin of – a Matrix and Mastodon server that provides a space for individuals and communities around Glasgow to communicate. Neil has also recently opened The Gamer Club, the first private members club in Glasgow for geeks and gamers.
We also plan to have an icebreaker exercise to help you think about your side project.
Come along to listen, network or make new friends.
Doors open at 18:00. First talk starts at 18:30.
UX Glasgow is an informal, co-operative monthly meetup. We welcome everyone who cares about UX — no matter whether you’re a client, a designer, a user researcher, an information architect, a copywriter, a developer or a usability specialist. Discuss, debate, share info and learnings, or ask a question.
UX Glasgow is supported by 20i Web Hosting
The Space is fully wheelchair accessible. Please let us know if you have any accessibility requirements.