How to get into UX … from people who just got into UX

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This month we have Steve Miller-Perry, Alessio Ferracuti, Alma Strutt, Atanas Dimitrov, and Christian Richards talking about how they got into UX and made the leap from newbie to professional.

As a bonus, Kat Husbands will be giving us a debrief of what she learned at the recent UCD Gathering.

UX Glasgow is an informal, co-operative monthly meetup. We welcome everyone who cares about UX — no matter whether you’re a client, a visual designer, an information architect, a copywriter, a developer or a usability specialist. Discuss, debate, share info and learnings, or ask a question.

We have limited places on Zoom so do book now (you don’t need a Zoom account to access this event).



Atanas Dimitov on CV and Portfolio Tips


Alessio Ferracuti


– Short talks from people new to UX: What you’ve learned, what was most useful, job hunting tips?

Path to UX covering various roles graphic designer – software developer – ux designer.
tips for breaking into UX?

1. Why did you pick UX?
2. Describe your journey into UX in 5 steps or more.
3. Best piece of advice your received or want to share?
4. Biggest waste of time on your journey (if any)?
5. Future ambitions?
6. Part of UX you enjoy most?


See some notes from Neja Česnik





Get someone to proofread your CV
Annotate and zoom into case studies
Networking is key for jobs
Job websites are ineffective
Get a good covering letter
Certification can get foot in the door
Get feedback on your portfolio
Get in touch with design leads
Put ego aside
Be yourself, be different
Document work and your learnings
You have got transferable skills. Put a UX slant on your skills.
Check out UXplanet and Jared Spool
Breaking through is the hard bit
Describe responsibilities not just job role.
Customize each CV to each job
Don’t rely on recruiters
Just say you’re familiar with whatever tool. If you can use XD you can use Sketch
All your CV should be is a piece of paper that shows what you’ve done and make your portfolio exciting
Important things should jump out in portfolio. Just have one or two projects